(G4MCU)'s profile photo
England, Full Licence

Standard Account G4MCU

Country: England (EU), ITU: 27
QTH: Hockley

Verfied Account G4MCU

Jon Stow

Country: England (EU), ITU: 27
QTH: Hockley
I became interested in radio at school and started listening first on Top Band with an army surplus WS19 and a transistor radio re-tuned from the medium wave broadcast band.

Originally, I was licensed as G8LFJ in January 1976, and over the next year or so became interested in DX on 2 metres through to 23 cm. I realised that some of this DX had to be worked on the key and wanted to join the VHF net on 20 metres to arrange skeds via meteor scatter. That meant I had to pass the Morse Test, and I acquired my call sign G4MCU in June 1981.

My passions were and are spread between Sporadic E, meteor scatter and aurora as well as tropo “lifts” around Europe. In fact, I am extremely interested in VHF propagation in general,

A change of circumstances in the mid-eighties caused me to go QRT and I returned seriously to amateur radio at the beginning of 2018.

My main interest is still VHF DX.
G4MCU's logbook
Last 5 QSOs logged by G4MCU
Time Operator Freq
20:53 UTC
GM3SEK 144335khz SSB VIEW
20:47 UTC
GI4SNA 144235khz SSB VIEW
20:31 UTC
G0WXJ 144325khz SSB VIEW
17:17 UTC
MI0TLG 144325khz SSB VIEW
12:42 UTC
MX0HQG/P 144310khz SSB VIEW
Logged by other radio operators
20:30 UTC
G0WXJ 144325khz SSB VIEW
17:06 UTC
M0SCS 144280khz SSB VIEW
17:59 UTC
G4LHT 144290khz SSB VIEW