(KQ3Q)'s profile photo

Standard Account KQ3Q

Country: United States (NA), ITU: 08
QTH: Homestead, FL

Verfied Account KQ3Q

Lidiette Lacalle

Member of: W4SVI
Country: United States (NA), ITU: 08
QTH: Homestead, FL
Hi! I am Lidiette (Lee-Dee-It). I was born in Puerto Rico (half Puerto Rican and half Costa Rican y orgullosa de hablar Espanol. Mi idioma materno). We moved to Miami when I was 13 years old. The current picture on my QRZ profile was taken on top of the roof of the Continuum South Beach building (google it). I took an interest on HAM radio after my husband kept bugging me about it to the point that now I have the HAM bug. heheh!

I am still learning the art of radio communications. Please be patient with me as I am learning this new hobby. I am glad to make contact with you and confirm any QSO made. If I reject the contact it is because I did not write down the UTC time when our contact started and the system will not allow me to confirm the QSO because of it.

KQ3Q's logbook
Last 0 QSOs logged by KQ3Q
Logged by other radio operators
15:07 UTC
KG2MM 14054.5khz CW VIEW
14:46 UTC
KG2MM 14058khz CW VIEW
09:20 UTC
K4HNT 7074.6khz FT8 VIEW
01:55 UTC
KE0N 10136.75khz FT8 VIEW