(NV4T)'s profile photo

Premium Subscriber NV4T

Country: United States (NA), ITU: 08
QTH: Spartanburg, SC

Premium Subscriber NV4T

Stuart J Murray

Country: United States (NA), ITU: 08
QTH: Spartanburg, SC
I've been a licensed technician since 1997, didn't do much at all other than use a 2M HT off and on for years. Picked up a Tecsun SW last fall that had SSB. Listened to hams and I decided to move forward. Passed my General in March and my Extra in April,

Current setup is a Yaesu FT-710 and an FT-891 which I'll use for POTA, and a multiband vertical, and I will be installing an EFHW soon. Worked more than 50 countries in a little over a month. Love the hobby and I wish I had upgraded sooner.
NV4T's logbook
Last 0 QSOs logged by NV4T
Logged by other radio operators
15:13 UTC
M0CPY 28310khz USB VIEW
17:20 UTC
DP7D 21322.4khz SSB VIEW
11:20 UTC
K6IRK 14076.1khz FT8 VIEW
21:14 UTC
HB9HSJ 14081.5khz MFSK VIEW
00:20 UTC
HB9HSJ 18101.49khz FT8 VIEW
00:18 UTC
N7URH 14080.792khz MFSK VIEW