Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club (G8SRC)

Standard Account G8SRC (Club)

Country: England (EU), ITU: 27

Verfied Account G8SRC (Club)

Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club

Country: England (EU), ITU: 27
The Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club meets every Thursday night from 7.30 at the Pinetrees Community Centre, The Circle, Pinehurst, Swindon. Our club nights are very informal and we welcome any newcomers to visit us and make new friends over a cup of tea or coffee. So why not come along one evening? Twice a month we have guest speakers who give talks on a whole range of radio engineering subjects as well as metal detecting, power generation, digital photography, and astronomy. Our “natter nights” are also well attended, where we just gather and swap ideas and advice on all aspects of the hobby. The club also holds the short Contest Call Sign of M4W which we use as permitted by the appropriate Licence Conditions in major Contests. In addition, the club is proud to be associated with the Science Museum and holds a temporary NoV for their GB2SM heritage Callsign, for use at special events hosted by the Science Museum Swindon at their site at Wroughton, Nr Swindon.
Members of G8SRC
G8SRC's logbook
Last 0 QSOs logged by G8SRC
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19:04 UTC
G1RHB 7148khz SSB VIEW
19:12 UTC
M0DCX 7128khz SSB VIEW